Saturday, December 03, 2005

My name is Christina, and I like food.

I've finally decided to take the step and begin blogging about food. I enjoy cooking, reading about food, and knowing what's out there. So what the heck, here it is: my food blog.

This blog will definitely have a vegetarian skew, as I am one, but food is after all, like music and art, a universal language.

I love experimenting and finding new things to love, as well as comfort favorites. Being as this is December after all, the first month or so will likely include some fall and winter baking. And since I'm on a limited budget right now, all photos taken by me will be done with a webcam. So excuse the bad photography. (Guess I'm not quite in the position to create my own food porn yet.) Hopefully that will change in time.

So, here begins the endeavor.


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