Saturday, December 03, 2005

Hold the syrup!

In the world of breakfast foods, I am certainly fond of waffles. I like at the very least having a box of frozen waffles in the house. I don't own a waffle iron, and so have never been able to make my own fresh ones, but perhaps someday.

However, I don't eat mine the traditional way, with butter and syrup. I eat mine topped with yogurt.

The delicate sweetness of the waffle mixes with the creamy, fruity, and slightly tart yogurt to create a really tasty combination. Yogurt fills the waffle's nooks in quite well, and after a little bit (provided they haven't been devoured by then!), makes the waffle slightly moist, but not soggy.

I like to vary my yogurt flavors to the waffle flavors at times. If the waffle is whole grain, I tend to stick to creamier varieties like vanilla. On regular and buttermilk varieties, I use whatever flavor I like. And on fruit flavored waffles, like blueberry, for example, I try to use a matching or complementary flavor.

It's also quite a nice way to get calcium, protein, and other vitamins in instead of the empty sugary calories of syrup.

Right, buttermilk waffles with Stonyfield Farm fat free blueberry yogurt.

My name is Christina, and I like food.

I've finally decided to take the step and begin blogging about food. I enjoy cooking, reading about food, and knowing what's out there. So what the heck, here it is: my food blog.

This blog will definitely have a vegetarian skew, as I am one, but food is after all, like music and art, a universal language.

I love experimenting and finding new things to love, as well as comfort favorites. Being as this is December after all, the first month or so will likely include some fall and winter baking. And since I'm on a limited budget right now, all photos taken by me will be done with a webcam. So excuse the bad photography. (Guess I'm not quite in the position to create my own food porn yet.) Hopefully that will change in time.

So, here begins the endeavor.