Sunday, September 17, 2006

Despite appearances, I haven't abandoned this blog.

The last post was in April, and this is not exactly a coincidence. You see, I've been losing weight for a while, but in April, I kickstarted the final chapter of my weight loss. I joined an online group, and haven't had all the freedom to just cook and bake as I like.

Sure, I've cooked, but since I've been sticking to a reduced calorie diet for the time being, I just couldn't make snacks or meals without microknowledge of every ingredient and amount. And it's driven me crazy. Though I am more than 20 pounds lighter since April. Just a bit more to go and I'll be at my goal.

However, I've been wanting to start up this blog again, and chronicle my passion for cooking. I haven't lost that in the least. It's just been a little restrained, and boy has that sometimes been depressing and difficult. I've been letting myself more slack, and I even plan on making cupcakes this week.

Stay tuned.


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